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domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2012

Producer of "Blacklight" works suspenseful game with Unreal Engine 4 (ENGLISH)

The producer of the series "Blacklight," Zombie Studios, announced the acquisition of a license to develop games with Unreal Engine 4, the graphics engine from Epic for next generation consoles and computers.

The first game in production by Zombie Studios is a 'psychological thriller', due for release in the second quarter of 2013, ie between April and June next year.

Besides Zombie, another producer that has announced it will work with the new Unreal engine is Square Enix. The creator of "Final Fantasy", however, only revealed that the deal will be "durable" and provides "different titles."

Epic already preparing their first game to feature the new graphics technology. It's "Fortnite," which arrives in 2013, exclusively for PC.

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