Postagens em ingles (Posts in English)

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domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

The three modes Predator, Onslaught and Survivors of resident evil 6 (ENGLISH)

for those who still have doubts or not bought the three new modes here they are
Predator Available for two to six players, this mode one player assumes the role of Ustanak, the BOW, you need to eliminate human players. Have the other players must defeat him sobeviver or at least until the end of the session.

Onslaught In this mode, two players compete to clear hordes of enemies. Deaths sequences are the key to success for more enemies appear quickly.

Survivors The player faces a classic solo mode or against other players. Who will die as a zombie resurgence with the ability to attack humans. Who could kill a human with this form of undead can resurrect again in human form.




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